Credit updates: The appetite for Australian corporate bonds improved over the week with new issues being well subscribed and a measure of the riskiness of[…]
Credit updates: The Retail corporate bond market continues to perform strongly with steady customer buying seen across the unrated bond space out to 4yr maturity.[…]
Credit updates: Appetite for corporate bonds in the wholesale market has been affected by a volatile week for bank funding costs which affects appetite for[…]
Credit updates: Retail corporate bonds have continued to be in demand highlighting their relative immunity to global equity market fluctuations. Primary issuance of corporate bonds[…]
Credit updates: Corporate bonds have continued to be well supported domestically as equity markets exhibit increasing volatility, and the safety of bonds as an asset[…]
Credit updates: Corporate bonds have continued to be well supported domestically as lack of supply continues to be a driving issue. We have seen good[…]
This week some sectors of global equity markets have risen dramatically, especially the technology sector, others have fallen dramatically.
weekly_18_may_30 Dramatic bond market developments. US bond market factors less tightening. European banks collapse. Oil collapses. Equity sentiment sags.
weekly_18_may_23 Credit updates: • Dicker data (DDR) released their annual results with revenues increasing ahead of guidance, and a reduction in working capital and debt[…]
Here’s the Australian Bond Market weekly flash for 17th May, 20018. It includes credit updates, current pricing, and comments on impacts to the market like[…]